Friday 11 December 2015

Inspiration - Creating a 1950's Newspaper

In film noir's the detective can often be seen reading a newspaper. For inspiration I looked online at some 1950's styled newspapers. I decided on the 1950's as this was one of the eras that film noir was most popular. Our film opening is set around the 1940s/50s so this newspaper would also have to be set at a similar time to fit in with the mise- en-scene. If the newspaper was being left on the detectives desk only the front cover of the newspaper would be seen .Therefore, I have decided to create the front of the newspaper first.

Los Angeles Times

Key features:
  • One main headline and two smaller main headlines
  • Photos- black and white
  • Columns
  • Several different stories
  • Small text- black
  • Newspaper name at the top in the centre
  • Border lines at the top of the newspaper to separate the newspaper name from the articles
  • White paper
  • Small advertisement in a box on the left side of the newspaper name
  • Logo

New York Sentinel

Key features:
  • One main headline
  • Newspaper name at the top in the centre
  • Border lines at the top of the newspaper to separate the newspaper name from the articles
  • Photos- black and white
  • Columns
  • Small text- black
  • White paper
The News

Key features:
  • One main headline
  • One large photo connected to the main headline
  • The photo has a caption
  • Photo- black and white
  • Small text- black
  • Border lines at the top of the newspaper to separate the newspaper name from the articles
  • Brown paper
  • Small advertisements in boxes either side of the newspaper name

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