Saturday 19 December 2015

Day 1- Filming Script

Day 1: 22nd December 2015-  Setting up the location and Taking polaroid shots for picture board prop

Xena's house and her grandma's house- Staplehurst

Meeting Point:
We have arranged to meet at Xena's house at 10:30am and from there we will walk to her grandma's house which is not far away. 

Xena: Xena will bring the filming camera and her polaroid camera. She will also help us to decide what items can be used as props within her grandma's house for example chairs, glasses, lamps and a desk.

Mindi: As Mindi is the actress she will bring the costumes (three different ones) along with jewellery. She is also bringing a spotlight, briefcase, documents and fake money.

Zayanah: Zayanah will bring the fake cigarettes with a lighter which will be used by Mindi in the polaroid shots. She was also bring a tape recorder which will be used by the detective.

Hazel: I will bring the parcel which will be used by the detective in the opening scene and the venetian blinds prop which we can use to create the shadows.

What will be completed?
By the end of the day we will have taken all of the polaroid shots of Mindi needed for the photo board prop. These pictures will be taken in various places around Xena's grandma's house and garden. Some of the locations will need to be cleared in order for the shots to be taken.For example the garage will need to have a corner cleared and a chair placed in front of a wall in the corner and we will need to clear the office so that all the modern devices, such as a laptop, are not seen in the shots. We will also prepare the detectives office with the correct mise-en-scene so it is ready for when we come back to film. In addition to this we will also agree a time to next meet to make sure our actors are ready to film.

Finish time = 1:00pm

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