Saturday 12 December 2015

Deconstruction of Lighting

The most important part of lighting in film noir’s is the shadows as the film often has a black and white filter which can enhance the shadows. The shadows can be created by using a small intense light and by emphasising the contrast between high and low key lighting. Hard lighting is the most commonly used type of lighting as it gives a sharp shadow. Whereas, soft lighting may be used to glamourise female characters.

Another common of lighting in film noir is the use of venetian blind shadows. This can create a sense of mystery as only some parts of the object or person are shown.

A foggy background can be used to create an eerie glow with silhouettes. This also creates a sense of mystery and suspense as the only two bold things we can see I the shot is the characters. However, none of their detailed features can be seen.

Shadows projected onto the walls behind are also a very common feature. This can be created by using intense lighting. The lights can be placed behind the actor to create the shadows.

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