Thursday 3 December 2015

Character Profile - Film Noir

Main Characters

Femme fatale/ seductress

The femme fatale is often dressed in a tight red dress and is seen wearing red lipstick. This character is mainly used to lure the protagonist into her own plots which often creates more tension between the male characters and causes trouble. The main protagonist is normally seen falling for the femme fatale. Usually the femme fatale's plot backfires on her and she ends up in danger or is murdered.


The villain is normally seen plotting to hurt, kill or ruin someone's life. They usually have a reason for causing misery but sometimes they do it for fun.


The main protagonist is often a detective and a lonely male. He is usually out to solve a crime but gets disturbed by the femme fatale along the way. The protagonist is shown as hard-hearted and non-emotional to show his masculinity and conform to stereotypes of men and women in this era.

Other Characters
  • Police
  • Gangsters
  • Corrupt characters
Characters in Sin City

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