Monday 21 December 2015

Practical Task- Venetian Blind Shadows

In many film noir's venetian blinds are used and more commonly their shadows are used. I thought that buying a set of venetian blinds wouldn't work as it would be hard to hang them up and if we were filming somewhere without windows a set of venetian blinds wouldn't be of any use. Therefore, I decided to see if I could create these shadows myself, allowing us to possibly use this type of shadow in our opening scene. Also, meaning that we wouldn't have to hang any blinds up and if there were no windows we could create an effect that would make it look like there were windows.

Whilst I was researching how to create the shadows I found this image:

We don't have any special lighting equipment that would allow us to put in a small filter to create the shadows so I decided to create a larger filter that we could put in front of a light to create a similar effect.

Firstly, I found a piece of cardboard and then marked it into different sized rectangles similar to the image above.There was one large rectangle in the middle and two same sized smaller rectangles on the outside.

Then I cut out every other row of rectangles. Once I had finished I used a torch and held up the cardboard cut out in front of the light which created a shadow which looked like venetian blinds. 

The shadow could be used in front of a person's face to look as if though they are standing in front of a window. 

Overall, I thought that this turned out well and would look really good if we could incorporate it into our opening scene. However, this prop may be hard to hold up without seeing the shadow of a hand.

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