Wednesday 30 December 2015

Deconstruction of Film Noir Names

Often the name has something to do with the plot of the film. By looking at different examples of Film Noir names it could help us to come up with a name for our own film noir opening.

The names usually convey the dark mood of the film. As Film Noirs often include guns there are a few names that involve this theme such as 'Gun Crazy', 'Crossfire' and 'This Gun For Hire'. Another common theme in the names are the locations of the films this includes 'The Dark Corner', 'Side Street', 'Night And The City' and 'Sunset Blvd'. Lots of names also have the word 'The' before them.

After having some peer feedback we decided on the name 'Harlem Sunset' the definition of this is 'a fatal wound caused by a knife fight'. This would suit our film opening as it is dark and conveys a sense of foreboding. As we have only created a film opening there could be a knife fight scene in the full film therefore this name would suit the film and gives a sense of what may happen.

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