Day 2: Filming- 2nd January 2016
Xena's grandma's house and an alleyway- Staplehurst
Meeting Point:
We have arranged to meet at Xena's house at 10:00am and from there we will walk to the alleyway to get the filming done before it begins to rain.
Xena: Xena will bring the filming camera, tripod, polaroids and picture board.
She will also arrange to use extra props available at her grandma's house.
She will also arrange to use extra props available at her grandma's house.
Mindi: As Mindi is the actress she will bring the costumes (three different ones) along with jewellery. She is also bringing a spotlight, briefcase, documents, fake money and a typewriter.
Zayanah: Zayanah will provide the fake cigarettes, a tape recorder and a tape to play inside the recorder.
Hazel: I will bring the parcel which will be used by the detective in the opening scene and the venetian blinds prop which we can use to create the shadows.
What will be completed?
Actors will be informed of what to wear before they arrive. By the end of the day we hope to have filmed all of our scenes. We will complete the alleyway scenes first, where Xena's dad will act as the detective, a family friend will act as the kidnapper and Mindi will act as the femme fatale. All of the actors will be filmed in the alleyway where the exchange of money will take place and Mindi will be revealed as the real villain.
Actors will be informed of what to wear before they arrive. By the end of the day we hope to have filmed all of our scenes. We will complete the alleyway scenes first, where Xena's dad will act as the detective, a family friend will act as the kidnapper and Mindi will act as the femme fatale. All of the actors will be filmed in the alleyway where the exchange of money will take place and Mindi will be revealed as the real villain.
Next we will film in the detective's office (Mindi's grandma's house). These scenes will only require the detective (Xena's dad). In the office he will receive a package, pack his briefcase and listen to a tape recording.
Sounds and music will be edited in after this day therefore we do not need to worry about this.
Finish time = 3:00pm
Sounds and music will be edited in after this day therefore we do not need to worry about this.
Finish time = 3:00pm