Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Peer Feedback Improvements

Improvements Based on Peer Feedback

Cleaner Transitions

After receiving peer feedback we learnt we had a couple of things to fix. The first of these was the filter which flashed in between transitions. This is because there was a gap in between the fade in and out effect, and because the transition was placed on the video, it didn't apply to the filter, causing it to flash in between the two transitions.

I sought to fix this by using the blade tool to cut out the parts of the filter from where one transition ended to where the other began. In case this didn't work, I disabled this section rather than deleting it. I did this both in between the fade to colour transition, and for the blinking effect.

However, this succeeded in stopping the filter from flickering on and off in between the transitions. Now, when the shot fades out, it fades to a plain black screen rather than a grainy black screen with the outline of the filter on. 


The other main criticism we received was that when the money was in the briefcase, it was too bright to be able to tell what it was. This was due to the 50s TV black and white effect we applied to the entire film which made a lot of the brighter shots very overexposed. 

To fix the problem, I first removed the 50s TV effect from that particular clip.

Then I completely lowered the global saturation of the clip, making it black and white without needing the 50s TV filter. Despite making this clip a slightly different shade of black and white to the other clips, you can easily tell that it's money in the briefcase where it wasn't as obvious before. 

I'm pleased with the changes as they were the only rectifiable criticisms we received and were simple to do, yet made a lot of difference to the film opening as it made it look cleaner and made one of the pivotal points in the film less ambiguous. 

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