Wednesday 24 February 2016

Editing Cigarette Glow Effect

I added a glow effect to when the detective lights his cigarette, more specifically, I darkened the rest of the clip, as in my deconstructions, I found lighting was very dramatic. I also felt like it emphasised the sound of the lighter lighting.

I started by copying the clip on to a new layer above the current one. It lined up exactly and was completely identical. This was within the nested clip which had the black and white filter over it, so it appears in colour in the previews.  I adjusted the lighting of the clip underneath to be darker using the colour correction and exposure levels.

I then applied a vignette mask to the clip on the top, and moved its centre to be over the cigarette lighter. I then adjusted the falloff and size until I thought it fit, and it was complete. I did ideally want to apply this effect to many clips within the opening, but when I tried, the preview rendering dropped to unbearably slow speeds, making it impractical.

I like how this effect looks, but I think it makes too much of the frame too dark, so if I were to do it again I would lighten the top clip instead of darkening the bottom clip.

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