Sunday 8 November 2015

School made production company deconstruction and evaluation

School deconstruction and evaluation 

Porcelain-opening scene

Flip book production 



  • What I really liked about this introduction was that it was really creative, each picture was simple but stood out in bold black pen.   
  • The way the images gradually get closer into the details of the face, by getting bigger, makes it seem as if it's zooming into the person's face. This enhances the effect of the sinister smile and black tear. Giving the overall introduction a sense of eeriness, and as a consequence would be more suited to a horror genre of film. 
  • Paralleled diegetic sound of paper flickering is used as well as the low beat non-diegetic sound at the end, appearing at the same time as the last picture of the flipbook and production title, which makes it more dramatically effective and ominous.
  • Serif typography conforms to the convention horror, as it's often used to represent religion or the supernatural. However, it is in the right hand corner, tucked away from the main focus image. Arguable this could be too small and isn't as prominent in the frame, however it doesn't obscure the flipbook.            

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