Sunday 1 November 2015

Creating a production company introduction sequence

"Rouge Anecdotes Films"  

In the making:

I decided on using playing cards as a motif, which is common in Film noir films as my opening sequence:
1. First of all I started by setting up by laying out scrap paper against a wall in my conservatory as I wanted the wall to be in the background to convey an industrial underground setting.   
2. I next used a dark pink food colouring and tested the colour, as this would be my blood for the introduction, which I would flick onto the cards, with the paintbrush, to create a gunshot blood splatter effect.    

3. When filming my first attempt, I slowly dropped the cards and was happy with the way it fell and the diegetic sound it made.  

4. However when I used the blood I found that it didn't show up very well and was unsatisfied with the outcome.

 5.As a result I moved in closer but I already liked the bloody effect on the cards. So I used this and flicked the food colouring onto the cards again.   
6 .In VideoPad editor I played around with the effects on the video effects tool to see different ways I could make this more appropriate for a Film Noir genre. Firstly I tried to enhance the red but the rest of the cards still wouldn't show up at all.   

7. Making the whole thing darker and suturing the image more generated a Film Noir feel.  

8. Blurring out the edges I made the cards seem more sinister and dark and thought this was effective for my introduction. After this I used a gunshot sound effect and it's shell falling as the splatter of blood was shown in frame, emphasising the gunshot splatters and making it more realistic and dramatic.    

9. Using the text tool I added "Rouge Anecdotes Films" as the name of the company to the side of the frame so it doesn't block the cards. Though I made it fade out later on so the gunshot can be heard and seen, making that the focus of the introduction instead as this made it more dramatically effective. 

Final product:


Improvements and developments:
I could make on this would be to remake this with a fresh pack of cards for full impact of the gunshot effect, rather than keeping the blood on the cards already, so I can compare which one looked better.
Also, I could have tried to use final cut to edit the clip however as I did this at home and don't have a Mac, I resorted to the next best thing.   

What went well:
The filming itself was simple to do and easy to put together, and once it all came together it worked well. I believe that using cards is an appropriate motif for the film noir/ neo noir genre. Therefore, would be suitable for the filming of our opening scene.     

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