Sunday 15 November 2015

Practical- Reverse Editing

For my practical I decided to try out reverse editing. I got my inspiration from watching the Bedlam opening credits. This is the clip:


Even though it is often seen in the horror genre I thought that we could try it out in the film noir genre. Reverse editing could be used in most scenes for example a chase scene or a in shooting scene the bullet can be reversed from firing out of the gun. I decided to film a pack of cards falling out of my hand.

I used the app reverse Vid and played around with the different speeds. I didn't want it to go too slow as it would take to long. Therefore, I picked one of the faster speeds as I also liked the fast speed of the reverse in Bedlum.

This was my original clip:


This was my edited clip:

I then decided to add a black and white filter on windows movie maker to make it fit in with the film noir genre. I kept the sound as I thought it fitted in with the clip. 

This was the final clip:


Overall, I really liked this effect and think it would work really well in our final project.

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