Tuesday 10 November 2015

Practical task- Experiment of slow motion editing on action


Slow Motion Editing

 In the making

During the filming I used big rings, I decided to use these because it conveys richness and greed which often fuels the motivation in a film noir plot, for the characters.  
In addition I also wanted to see if I could manipulate the speed so it looked dramatic.  

To edit the clips I used a software called ghost lens, and adjusted the time lapse setting to slow everything down.

(Original clip)


 (Edited clip)

 The effect of the slow motion enables us to take in details of the fall and impact. Once the rings hit the bed, the bouncing effect was slowed down and we are forced to see the action occurring, which I thought put all the focus into the rings. I thought that this would be successful for the group's final practical as it could be placed in a scene of action to make it more dramatic.      
The clattering of rings in the original clip sounded good, however once it was slowed down it made a buzz noise which essentially ruined the clip, as it didn't seem to match the movements in the frame.  
(Original clip)

(edited clip)

I then decided to zoom out a little to see if it made a difference to the effect, when I made it into slow motion was more pleased with the outcome as we could see the more of how the rings landed. However, zooming out takes away some of the focus that was original on the rings as we can see more of the setting in this clip.   


One of the improvements I could develop would be to do filming from different angles, and seeing which angles worked for slow motion, and what didn't. Also another would be to eliminate the sound, and replace it with a soundtrack or other sound effect to make this more.      
On the other hand, I have learnt that camera angles is key when editing slow motion, as it could affect the point of focus during of a subject in frame.  


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