Sunday 1 November 2015

Production Company Opening

As I have never used photoshop before I looked on Youtube to see how to create an animation of a lightbulb lighting up.

Firstly, I chose an image of a lightbulb which I would later edit to make it look like it was lit up. I used the Youtube video to see how to create this animation. I also added in my own effects to fit in with our film noir genre.

I then found a background of a brick wall to correspond to the film noir genre which is often filmed in the city or in alley ways. I used an orange filter over the brick wall in the final product to make it look darker as film noirs are often filmed in black and white.

Next I added the lightbulb to a black background and layered this over the image of the brick wall. So that eventually when the bulb was lit up and  the wall behind it was also lit up.

Following the steps on the Youtube video I edited the light bulb to make it look as if it was lit up.

I then had to create an image of the bulb before it was lit up so that in the animation it would look as if the light bulb was lighting up.

Finally, I used movie maker, which I was familiar with, to put all of the images together to create the animation. As a group we had decided that we wanted to use the french word 'rouge' in our production company name which means red in english. We chose 'rouge' because the seductress in the film noir genre is often wearing red. Our final name was 'Rouge Films'. I added each of the letters underneath the light bulb and saved the image each time I added one letter. I left the first letter in red to fit in with the production company title.

I added in some effects and music ("Dances and Dames" by Kevin MacLeod ( which was jazz, often used in the film noir genre. I thought that the letters could not be seen very clearly on the background of bricks so I faded the background into white so that the production company name could be seen more clearly.

My final video is below:

  • It fits in well with the film noir genre as there is jazz music.
  • There is an emphasis on lighting which is also an important part of the film noir genre.
  • The opening is quite long (around 11 seconds) therefore could be speeded up.
  • When the letters appear in front of the brick wall they are not very clear so in the future I would create a bigger contrast between the colour of the text and the background.

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