Wednesday 25 November 2015

Practical Task - Evidence Board

Evidence Board Practical


For this practical task, I decided to create an evidence board commonly seen in detective shows and real life investigations to use in the background of our film opening. Here are some examples of images that inspired me to create this:

Making the board

As we are currently undecided on an actress to star as the femme fatale in our film, I asked my mum to take pictures of me to use as placeholders. When we decide on an actress we will then be able to recreate similar photos to use instead. One of my favourite shots which I'd like to be able to recreate was taken in the wing mirror of a car with a fake cigarette and I think this was effective as it suggests someone stalking the character. 

For these pictures I used the same photo-ageing effect I've used in my previous pictures, but also applied an extra contrast layer as I was unhappy with the low levels of contrast in my last pictures.

As I also have a polaroid camera, I thought these would also be effective to use. So far in our rough plot there is a scene where the detective is mailed polaroids of the woman being tied up so I tried to take some shots of this, however due to the lighting I don't think they were very effective.

I pinned the pictures onto a large cork board that I bought as well as an old OS map and used string to link the pictures onto the map as seen in the pictures at the top of the post. However, as we haven't yet worked out minor plot details I was unable to include as much detail and information as in these pictures, and therefore my board is very rushed and has little detail on it. I'm not particularly happy with the current outcome, however I have many ideas on other things I can include when we have further developed the character and the plot. I intend to do a lot more work on it and also research further into things such as what official detective case files look like. Here is the finished product:

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