Monday 9 November 2015

Deconstruction of Sound in the Film Noir Genre

The sound used in film noir’s often set a tone of pessimism to reflect the mood of the film. The following are commonly heard in the film noir genre:
  •          Melancholy downbeat music- often jazz- trumpets, saxophone, piano, drums, guitar
  •          Jazz music can also be used in upbeat scenes such as in a lively lounge or bar
  •          Heavy breathing
  •          Sudden noises such as gun shots
  •          Voice over of the protagonist
  •          Sound effects of the city- e.g. heavy traffic and people
  •          Grating music
  •          Sound of footsteps to show authority
“The sound of noir—plaintive sax solos, blue cocktail piano, the wail of a distant trumpet through dark, wet alleyways, hot Latin beats oozing like a neon glow from the half-shuttered windows of forbidden nightspots. You walk the sidewalks of big, lonely towns, with no destination in mind, following only the sounds, guided by them, wondering where they come from, what hurt souls cry out with such tones.” (

I looked at the following clip to see what sounds were used:


Jazz music is used all the way through this clip.


Sound of the door creaking open.


The sound of footsteps


Voice over of the protagonist


Sound of footsteps

2:30- 2:36

Gun shots

2:42- 2:43

Voice over of protagonist

How to get the sound effects

Sound of a door creaking:

This video shows the sound of a door creaking by using a wooden frame with a piece of dowel through the middle. The dowel is then held under pressure by rope. The dowel is then twisted to create the sound of a creaking door.

Sound of footsteps:

The sound of someone walking can be recorded. To make the person seem as if they are getting closer the footsteps become louder. If the person is moving away then the footsteps become quieter. The sound of footsteps can be slowed down to build up tension.

The sound of a gun shot:

A balloon can be blown up and popped to create a bang noise similar to that of a gunshot.

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