Tuesday 13 October 2015

Inspiration: SE7EN Opening Credits


The part I found most interesting about this clip was the use of super close-up shots and obscure lighting. The use of these close ups allowed small hints towards the nature of the character, without giving too much away. For our film opening, we'd like to produce a Film Noir opening, so the mysterious tone set by the vague hints would help set the scene.
The use of silhouettes is also very effective in the same way, by hinting towards what is happening without being obvious. I also think these shots are very visually interesting, and I think it would be good to try and create something similar using film noir- themed objects for our project. It would make identifying the character in the shots very difficult. This is a very enigmatic piece that uses human curiosity to its advantage.

In this shot, a video is overlaid atop another one and which is upside down, this creates an interesting distorted mirror effect, which could tie into themes of inner reflection or introspect of a character. This is also something that could be applied to our project.

Deconstructing these opening credits has given me ideas about how to create an enigma using lighting and camera angles, that may be useful in our own film opening. The use of these techniques to create such a strong theme is definitely something I want to consider.

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