Sunday 3 January 2016

Film evaluations 2nd of January

2nd of January

We arrived at 10 o'clock to start filming the alleyway scene first, as the forecast had said it would start raining at 12 o'clock.  

Unfortunately we were, again, without a tripod though we later borrow one.
During filming, we were unlucky enough to be hit with some light showers, so we had to quickly rush through the filming. We tried many takes as we wanted a variety of shots to edit, however some came out quite blurry because of the rain, which may be the case for many of the videos.

 After we had finished the outdoor filming we then did the office scene which we set up.

 A lighting experiment was also done to make sure the venation blinds looked realistic and also make sure that the space wasn't too dark for filming.
Last minute touches were made with the evidence board, as we added newspaper articles and polaroid pictures.

When we finally got the tripod we were ready to carry on with the rest of the filming indoors, but we didn't get too much done as the camera battery had run out and we waited for it to charge before we could go further.

Although we had many set backs in the day I believe we worked well with what we had in terms of resources and time, there was nothing we could do about the rain but we were able to get most things done. Some things may need to be redone, like some of the alleyway shots. 

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